Using OpenStreetMap data in QGIS
Keith Jenkins
Keith Jenkins
GIS Librarian
Cornell University
This talk was inspired by Metro Extracts
"Using OpenStreetMap data"
visualizing or analyzing
(not editing)
Why OSM?
Open data
many sites and tools for getting OSM extracts
Most complete street map of the world
Barrington-Leigh C, Millard-Ball A. (2017)
The world’s user-generated road map is more than 80% complete.
Also, OpenStreetMap is more than just streets...
building outlines, waterways, railroads, trails, placenames, schools, banks, churches, mosques, temples, libraries, museums, hospitals, fire stations, forests, cemeteries, gardens, shops, offices, swimming pools, playgrounds, tennis courts, sports fields, and much more
OSM License and Copyright
OSM requires attribution, and linking to the copyright page
OSM Community Guidelines
The Elements of OSM
nodes, ways, tags, relations
Nodes (points)
Ways (lines, polygons)
Tags (attributes)
OSM wiki has a guide to OSM tags
TagInfo provides tag usage statistics
Data Formats
Protocolbuffer Binary Format
Conversion tools
ogr2ogr osm2pgsql imposm osmosis osmium etc.
Acquiring OSM data
Export .osm from
Adding OSM data to QGIS
Add directly from .osm and .pbf file
some rendering and stability issues when accessing .osm/.pbf directly
convert to .gpkg or .sqlite (or .shp)
  ogr2ogr -f "GPKG" "D:/test/output.gpkg"

  ogr2ogr -f "SQLite" -dsco SPATIALITE=YES
  "D:/test/output.sqlite" "D:/test/input.osm"
ogr2ogr will create separate layers for points, lines, polygons
ogr2ogr splits several common tags into separate columns
name, type, aeroway, amenity, admin_level, barrier, boundary, building, craft, geological, historic, land_area, landuse, leisure, man_made, military, natural, office, place, shop, sport, tourism

name, highway, waterway, aerialway, barrier, man_made

name, barrier, highway, ref, address, is_in, place, man_made
Columns can be customized by editing GDAL's osmconf.ini file
If this sounds complicated,
don't worry!

QGIS Plugins make everything easier.
QGIS Plugins QuickMapServices QuickOSM OSMDownloader
QuickMapServices plugin
Basemap images from various online providers
Settings > More Services > Get contributed pack
OpenStreetMap Standard
Mapbox Gray
Stamen Toner
Stamen Watercolor
QuickOSM plugin
Import OSM features for a specific area
Search for specific tags
Can also import from .osm or .pbf file
OSMDownloader plugin
Download all OSM features within a bbox
(QGIS 2.x only)
Click map to fetch OSM feature info
QGIS Styles for OSM data
Various QML files can get you starting defining styles based on the OSM tags
Websites offering OSM extracts
download by country/state
.osm .pbf .shp
updated daily
separate layers for buildings, landuse, natural, places, roads, railways, water areas, waterways, etc.
HOT Export Tool
v3 April 2017
HOT Exports are split into point, line, polygon layers
Best to select just one "theme" at a time
The OSM wiki
lists other extract sources
Metro Extracts
Nextzen has snapshots from Jan 29, 2018
imposm splits features into thematic groups like amenities, buildings, roads, etc.
osm2pgsql splits features into point, line, polygon layers
If you are interested in OSM + PostGIS...
How Not to Use osm2pgsql
Mary Carome
Tuesday, 11:15am
Running your own Vector Tiles Stack
Thursday workshop 2-5pm
"will go over the process of loading data from OSM pbf files into PostGIS using imposm3"
Comments or questions?