UPDATE: As of April 2017, the official PHZ data is no longer behind a paywall. Grids, shapefiles, and zipcode listings are now downloadable directly from the PRISM Climate Group. However, the OPHZ data available here, at approximately 450m pixel resolution, is higher resolution than the 800m pixel grids available at that site.
OPHZ is free and open raster and vector data derived from the public domain map images available at http://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/
In the original 2012 public domain PDF map (305MB!), there are some gaps due to rivers, borders, and coastlines. OPHZ fills most of these gaps with the nearest values.
OPHZ currently covers the 48 contiguous US states (US48), and is available in the following formats:
All vector formats are in WGS84 (EPSG:4326), and the raster formats are in the original Albers projection (EPSG:5070).